Sex Therapy 101 with Cami Hurst
Welcome to Sex Therapy 101 with your host Cami Hurst. This is the sexiest podcast in the west for all the right reasons. Cami sits down with amazing experts in the field of sexual health and counseling to learn, converse and add her own expert voice to the conversation. Cuddle up with your partner and get ready to have your love life feel more complete.
77 episodes
Sexplorers: Q and A
How much sex should I be having? Does watching gay porn make me gay? How can I help my partner see the benefits of masturbation?Cami Hurst, PhD, LMFT,CST, (she, her) and Braxton Dutson, LCSW, CST, (he, him) carefully answer and deconstruct t...

Postpartum: Mental, Relational, and Sexual Health
Cami Hurst, PhD, LMFT,CST, (she, her) goes in depth about postpartum health. Cami discusses mental health, interpersonal relationship health, and sexual health, as well as the many strategies and treatment options available to new parents. <...

Sexplorers: Sexploring in 4 Dimensions
Braxton Dutson, LCSW, CST, (he, him) and Cami Hurst, PhD, LMFT,CST, (she, her) provide a guide for holistically understanding and exploring your sexual self. This episode is full of questions to facilitate self-reflection. You can find...

Sexy Book Club: Love Worth Making
Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson review Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship by Stephen Snyder. Tune in to hear two AASECT certified sex therapists review this book about cultivating a rewarding and hea...

Sexplorers: Live Q and A
What if I am self-conscious about my weight? I'm worried my partner is only engaging in sex with me out of marital duty? Is my husband gay if he doesn't want to have sex with me? Tune in to hear Braxton Dutson, LCSW, CST, (he, him) and Cami Hurst,...

Sexplorers: Building Sexual Health after Sexual Assault
Dr. Cami Hurst and Braxtion Dutson candidly share the best strategies for understanding and healing from sexual assault. This episode is for everyone: those who have experienced sexual assault and those who may be partners to those who have experi...

Sexplorers: 6 Principles of Sexual Health
Tune in live each Monday morning 9am (MDT): https://www.youtube.com/@sexplorerspodcastJoin Dr. Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson for a recording of Sexplorers, a live-stream show often including visuals and audience Q and A. In this episod...

In The Den: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
Join Dr. Cami Hurst and Jen from Mama Dragons in this cross-over episode from In The Den. Cami and Jen talk about how to educate children of all ages about consent, and how to talk to your kids about safe sex.

Cami Hurst and Natasha Helfer: The Cost of Duty Sex: Consenting to Unwanted Sex
A crossover episode from The Natasha Helfer Podcast, this episode discusses Dr. Cami Hust's recent doctoral reseach about consenting to unwanted sex.

Sex for Saints: Consenting to Unwanted Sex
Join Dr. Cami Hurst and Amanda Louder for this crossover episode about Cami's doctoral research! Cami has spent the last year completing her dissertation and researching the effects of consenting to unwanted sex. Tune in to hear more information a...

Sexy Book Club: She Comes First
This week Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson are reviewing She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman by Ian Kerner. Cami and Braxton highly recommend this book to anyone looking to better understand the clitoris or cunnilingus. Wr...

Sexy Book Club: Pure
This week Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson are reviewing Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free by Linda Kay Klein. This book is highly recommended especially to those who have experiences w...

Sexy Book Club: It's Perfectly Normal
Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson are reviewing Robie H. Harris's series entitled It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health. This book is a detailed, age-appropriate, empirically-based guide to bodies and sexual health...

Get Your Marriage On: A Cross-Over Episode with Daniel Purcell
Join Cami and Dan to talk about some of the common questions they see in their practices. Tune in for strategies for better communication and emotional wellness.

Sexy Book Club: For Goodness Sex
Join Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson as they review For Goodness Sex: Changing the Way We Talk to Teens About Sexuality, Values, and Health by Al Vernacchio. If you have ever raised a teen, worked with teens, or been a teen, this book is for you! Th...

Season 3 Ep. 4 Wellness Practices for Sexual Health with David Pitcher
Join Cami and David Pitcher in the final episode of the sex and spirituality series. In this episode David and Cami explain physical and mental wellness practices that you can start any time to create more emotional awareness, communication, and c...

Season 3 Ep. 3 Sex Positivity Through Religion with David Pitcher
Cami and David discuss the historical origins of Christianity, Judaism, and Tantra to uncover how religious practices have incorporated healthy sexual relationship practices. This episode gives a quick overview of religious doctrine to demonstrate...

Season 3 Ep. 2 Navigating Sex and Religion with David Pitcher
Meet Utah-based sex therapist, David Pitcher. Dave and Cami dive into the topic of integrating healthy, communication-based sex practices with religious faith. This is a wonderful episode full of useful strategies that are applicable to anyone reg...

Sex and Menopause: A Cross-over Episode From The Sex for Saints Podcast
Join Cami Hurst this week as she has a conversation with Amanda Louder from The Sex for Saints Podcast: The Christian Women's Guide to Great Sex. You won't want to miss this clear, factual, and compassionate conversation about the myth that great ...

Season 3 Ep. 1 Let the Myth Busting Begin!
This week we are with Jenny Elledge to kick off season three of Sex Therapy 101. In this season, we will be busting sexual myths! Tune in to hear Cami and Jenny talk about the myth that scheduled sex isn't sexy. You can find Jenny Elledge at...

Sexy Book Club: Tell Me What You Want
Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson are back with another book review. This month's book is Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life by Justin J. Lehmiller. This book contains some of the most ext...

Season 2 Ep. 14 Fine-tuning Sexual Communication Skills with Jeff Lundgren
In our last episode with Jeff Lundgren, Cami and Jeff are discussing how you can discover, incorporate, and communicate about specific sexual preferences so that sex can feel like a conversation between partners. This episode will give partners co...

Season 2 Ep. 13 Desire Discrepancies with Jeff Lundgren
We are back with Jeff Lundgren for this very important episode about understanding sexual desire discrepancies. Jeff and Cami explain how you can focus on your own desires and make those a priority for yourself in order to create relationships in ...

Season 2 Ep. 12 Jeff Lundgren Talks Healthy Fantasy Play
Cami Hurst is with Jeff Lundgren of Wasatch Family Therapy to talk about sexual fantasies. Jeff and Cami discuss how fantasies can be a healthy and effective tool for creating a dynamic and communicative sexual relationship. They myth-bust some co...

Sexy Book Club: Secrets to a Passionate Marriage
Tune in to hear Braxton and Cami review Secrets of a Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch. You'll find invaluable communication strategies, self-soothing strategies, and conflict resolution strategies in this episode. Tune in next month for a rev...